PDF | Volume 2 (Issue 1)| Request Permissions Foreword: Creative Representations and Fucking Possibilities Morgan Oddie and Michelle Smith Biography… Read more

Full Text | Download | Volume 2 (Issue 1)| Request Permissions ‘Playing’ With Race: BDSM, Race Play, and Whiteness in… Read more

Full Text | PDF | Volume 2 (Issue 1)| Request Permissions ‘Playing’ With Race: BDSM, Race Play, and Whiteness in Kink… Read more

Abstract | PDF | Volume 2 (Issue 1)| Request Permissions ‘Playing’ With Race: BDSM, Race Play, and Whiteness in Kink… Read more

Full Text| Download | Volume 1 (Issue 2) | Request Permissions Foreword: Why Superheroes? Morgan Oddie   1-4 Foreword: Why… Read more

PDF | Volume 1 (Issue 2) | Request Permissions Foreword: Why Superheroes? Morgan Oddie Biography | Notes Morgan Oddie Is… Read more